Last night saw the launch of our Pub Ride series for summer. And it was rad. The weather was good, albeit a little cold on the way home, but thank goodness it wasn’t raining.
The night kicked off as planned at Beer Deluxe in Fed Square. Our small group of 5 riders sat down to a Stone & Wood Pacific ale to ease into the night. The Pacific Ale is fantastic session beer, but we were a little disappointed to not be allowed inside to see what was on their full tap list due to a private function. Fail.
We quickly became peckish, and so jumped on our bikes and headed for Brother Burger & the Marvellous Brew in Fitzroy for a burger and another brew. The sun was still up, and the ride through the backstreets of Fitzroy was chill. Sascha (aka. mr.sps) stopped us for this stella shot of the diminishing light, nice pic bro.
The burgers at Brother Burger were cranking, alongside the beers on offer. The only downside being the Wolf of the Willows XPA wasn’t yet on tap – so the majority of us had to ‘settle’ for Mornington Peninsula Brewery’s Oatmeal Pale. Which was excellent. Wolf’s XPA would have to wait.
Following the burgers 2 of the crew had to split, leaving the rest of us to move on to the next craft beer spot. Knowing there was a sour beer tap takeover at Forester’s Hall, we decided to make the most of the opportunity and head straight there. Leaving The Terminus for another night. And we weren’t disappointed!
Beers had were the Heart Breaker from Stone & Wood/Mash Collective, Feral’s American Brown and then To Øl’s ‘Like Weisse’ Berliner Weisse and the truly unbelievably good ‘Cherie’ Kriek from local boys La Sirène. [Really had to refrain from the pun on that sentence…]
Overall, a great night. Good beers, good burgers, good company and a good ride around town. And it will happen again soon, hopefully you will be able to come along! The more the merrier. Stay tuned via Instagram and Twitter – @craftdglass